Understanding ICD-10: Coding & Sequencing
This two-day workshop will detail known problematic areas involving ICD-10-CM coding and sequencing and look at how documentation can be improved. Join us for this interactive workshop that contains lecture, practice, discussion, review and case studies.
As always MCHC workshops are AAPC Approved for CEUs (Continuing Education Units) and by attending each participant can earn up to 14 CEUs. Seating for this workshop is limited at certain locations, and we anticipate it to sell out quickly.

Agenda: 14 AAPC Pre-Approved CEUs
See brochure download for detailed agenda for each session.
Day One
8:00-9:00am ICD-10-CM General Coding Guidelines (1 CEU)
9:00-10:30am ICD-10-CM: Chapter 1 Infectious & Parasitic Diseases (1.5 CEU)
10:30-10:45am Break
10:45-11:45am ICD-10-CM: Chapter 2: Neoplasms (1 CEU)
11:45-12:45pm Lunch
12:45-1:45pm ICD-10-CM: Chapters 3 & 4 (1 CEU)
1:45-2:45pm ICD-10-CM: Chapters 5 & 6 (1 CEU)
2:45-3:00pm Break
3:00-4:00pm ICD-10-CM: Chapters 7 & 8 (1 CEU)
4:00-5:00pm ICD-10-CM: Chapter 9: Circulatory (1 CEU)
5:00pm Dismiss
Day Two
8:00-9:00am ICD-10-CM: Chapter 10: Respiratory (1 CEU)
9:00-10:00am ICD-10-CM: Chapters 11 & 12 (1 CEU)
10:00-10:15am Break
10:15-11:15am ICD-10-CM: Chapter 13 Musculoskeletal (1 CEU)
11:15-12:15pm ICD-10-CM: Chapters 18 & 19 (1 CEU)
12:15-1:15pm Lunch
1:15-2:45pm ICD-10-CM: Chapters 14, 15, 16 & 17 (1.5 CEU)
2:45-3:00pm Break
3:00-4:00pm ICD-10-CM: Chapters 20 & 21 (1 CEU)
4:00pm Dismiss
​This program has the prior approval of AAPC for 14.0 continuing education hours. Granting of prior approval in no way constitutes endorsement by AAPC of the program content or the program sponsor.